Enriched Air (Nitrox) isa mixture of oxygenand nitrogen,which is used asthe breathinggasby divers.Enrichedaircontains onlynitrogen andoxygen,all other gasesare presentonly intrace amounts.The name "enriched air" means that themixture of oxygenand nitrogen,a higher proportionof oxygenthan normal air(more than21% oxygen), it wasessentiallyair,"enriched"withadditional oxygen.EANNitroxis abbreviated or"Nitrox".DuringNitroxcan contain anyoxygen contentover 21%, themost common blendsare32EANx(NOAANitroxI) andEANx36 (NOAANitroxII), which are32% and 36% oxygen.special trainingand certificationandto divewith Nitrox.