Diving is like an extreme sport .Finally, try to learn exist in an environment that is not for the human body. Diving can certainly learn to be a challenge. You can not just throw on the gear and swim off into the sunset as beautiful as it sounds. There are some technical devices that work like you who is bulky and cumbersome, but it also is the fact that you are to be under water far longer than you're used to getting used to. Some people find it easy, but if you're one of those who fight without an excessive burden, are you, if you successfully stay the course.
I think anyone who has dived, had moments where they were afraid, and if they say they do not appear very often or not they are lying! For some people this is the case during the course, but even after 500 dives, there is still potential for something to throw you a curve ball.
There are two important steps to learn how to get your anxiety under control:
1 . Breath.
As the golden rule of diving is never hold your breath, the other golden rule is to overcome fear and to stop, it's something uncontrollable with your breath to calm down. If you run in fear, you will begin to hyperventilate - breath control has a number of things. First, you will slow the heart rate and start making you feel calmer. Second, it gives you something else to focus and distraction is a good thing.

This may sound strange, it is also the best way to overcome what you fear. Think from the theme music from Jaws, and always you will not be able to hide from the head and sharks around every corner, think about how difficult it is to help breathe a controller and more, it becomes harder and harder to start thinking that you can not clear the water in the mask, without coming to the surface and suddenly you are not able to.
It must be said that diving is not for everyone. It could be just someone who will never be comfortable under water and it is important to be able to differentiate between the fear of something new and the sport is not easy to achieve good for you. Do not underestimate the importance of not even teachers. If you click on the two missing, or the teacher can not spend time to make you feel good, then it might be interesting to try someone else before you throw in the towel.