Pushing the boundaries.
Divers are limited by simple physical laws, (depending on the depth of the dive) at a time under water and a maximum depth overall. Education organizations recommend that divers using compressed air goes no deeper than 130 to 165 feet (40-50 meters). In addition, nitrogen can accumulate dangerously fast in the body, greatly increases the risk of decompression sickness. In addition, increased levels of nitrogen in the blood below 165 ft (50 m) may Leah. i too heavy nitrogen narcosis. The oxygen content of air is also more and more deeply toxic to the nervous system dive.

Extend The Dive Time
Normal air is approximately 21 percent oxygen and 79 percent nitrogen. Nitrox is a gas mixture containing a higher proportion of oxygen and low nitrogen content than usual, so the dive time is longer from the diver's body to store too much nitrogen, and fatigue-free diver after the dive. Nitrox can be mixed in various ratios, from 22 to 50 percent oxygen. But is increased beyond a certain depth of the oxygen in the Nitrox mixture of toxic and can cause seizures. The more oxygen in the mixture, the shallower it will happen for this reason requires that nitrox diving special training, even if the courses are easily accessible to recreational divers.
To Deep
Divers want to get more than 165 feet (50 inches) of travel either heliox or trimix, introducing two of the helium in the breathing mix. Heliox contains only helium and oxygen, while the Trimix is a combination of three gases helium, oxygen, and (mostly) nitrogen. Heliox is used primarily by military and commercial divers, while the Trimix is frequently used by free divers. Both in reducing the probability of nitrogen narcosis, oxygen toxicity, DCS and be successful. Since helium heal six times faster than air does, these mixtures can cause divers to feel very cold. Helium is also rapidly absorbed into the body, as long decompression is required. Want to use these various gas mixtures must be properly trained.
Technical Kit
Diving at extreme depths or in extreme environments such as deep caves, requires special equipment. Divers to carefully analyze their technical equipment, and try to eliminate the weaknesses, there is little room for error during a deep dive technique. Is used to support the extra gas tanks in technical diving, most divers opt for high-lift "wing"-style buoyancy compensation. You choose, high-performance regulators that can handle the task of providing breathing gas at extreme depths. Sophisticated computerized to control use, such as technical gas mixtures metabolized during the dive.