How Scuba Regulators Work

Regulators on the air pressure tank at ambient pressure is reduced for us to breathe underwater. The controller is in two stages, the first of the cylinder pressure is reduced to an intermediate pressure, the second step, usually in the lead in modern equipment, spare time is taken, he further reduced, so that we can breathe at ambient pressure.
Regulators provide air on demand, which means that if the diver is breathing into the regulator open to allow air flow when the diver breathes air, the demand valve is closed and air is discharged into the water.
First stage regulator
The first stage regulator is connected directly to the scuba tank. The connector is a standard A-clamp that fits over the valve at the top of the tank and is secured by a screw yoke, even though some European divers use a DIN connector. DIN offers a secure attachment by screwing directly into the tank valve and can be used with higher pressure than the A-cylinder clamp, but divers with DIN controller can use a converter to convert their equipment to create a U.S. armored diving style.
It is not only the type of connector that may change if the mechanism for detecting changes in pressure to either a piston which acts on the external pressure of the water, or a flexible membrane to a push rod. Both types of control can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical, offset to the former situation, variations in cylinder pressure and thus a greater openness to supply more air to the order.
Finally, some regulators are sealed first stage, which means that instead of water acting directly on the mechanism, it acts on a fluid that transmits pressure to the piston or diaphragm. The advantages are that it reduces the risk of internal corrosion or sediment is reduced to prevent the inside of the first stage and the thermal mechanism, which is important too, at low temperatures to the controller prior to freezing.

The second step
The second stage is the first stage through a pipe, which is usually worn on the right shoulder, attached. It consists of a diaphragm and exhaust valve at the front, back, top to bottom and rear tailpipe.
As with the first step there are different types of second stage regulators - the most common is the downstream valve, where a membrane associated with a lever opens or closes a one-way valve. In the alternative lever opens a valve driver, which in turn opens the main valve, a more complex design that provides more air circulation for less effort. The greater complexity of making both more expensive and difficult to maintain.
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Scuba Tanks

            Limits for divers carry tanks of the human body provide a breathing gas at ambient pressure to overcome. The tanks are also known as a cylinder or bottle and is usually in the recreational diving breathing gas is air. Some non-divers will move the tanks as oxygen tanks or bottles, but this is false - Oxygen is toxic if inhaled at high concentrations of oxygen in deep and pure is not used in recreational diving.
            The cylinders are almost always made of steel or aluminum, the latter the advantage of being corrosion resistant. While the original material is steel, which is widely used throughout Europe, it is customary to make aluminum bottles in the United States and the Caribbean.
            Aluminum tanks suffer disadvantages, however - as it is softer than steel, it tends to be damaged by rough or careless treatment, and because the walls are thick to be bigger and heaver tanks needed during a comparable steel tank. However, if the tank suffers from internal corrosion of the oxide layer prevents further corrosion protect the tank - in a steel tank that is not the case.
            Usually worn on the back of the divers, a bottle of compressed air to the BCD (BCD), or a jacket and attached to the top of the bottle is attached to the first step. The main port for the first stage, the terminal A, but less frequently seen in Europe, the option-Din connector - it provides a strong seal the terminal A.
             The first stage regulator supplies air to the BCD - the air is released or expelled by the diver neutrally buoyant, chest varies with depth - and the air pressure gauge that is nowadays often included in a dive computer. It also provides air into the second stage, at an average pressure which is reduced by the second level of the ambient pressure to breathe diving. The standard configuration for the second step in modern diving equipment is in the same housing as the mouthpiece.
Read More - Scuba Tanks

Scuba Wet Suits

            Scuba wet suits were not taken seriously until World War II and the advent of Navy Frogmen (SEALs), which was one of the most effective weapons of war America. On any measurable basis, costs for operations against the cost effectiveness, man to man, or kill a total of reports has exceeded expectations at all levels of the seals. Once identified, the military put a lot of time and money in improving the effectiveness of its frogmen. This meant improving the design, efficiency and durability of wet suits.

            There is a controversy that, over time, whether wet suits, had developed to keep dry. Sounds like an implementation of a joke, but it is not. Are all U-boats, protective clothing, rubber called combinations. The controversy was whether the loss of heat could be controlled better on the diver's body when the skin is dry or combination did not. It was Hugh Bradner who is credited with the first wetsuit in 1952. Mr. Bradner was actually working as a physicist at UC Berkeley Radiation Laboratory, where he was testing the reflexes of shock waves on unicellular material and was invited to attend a conference of the float. His concept was that the skin of the diver does not stay dry to prevent heat loss when the insulation used in the wet suit on the air in the material of the suit was get trapped.
             With the French invention of the Aqua-Lung, was an underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA) used in the war and eventually led to investigation teams to many mysteries of the ocean to explore. Once it began, was the urgent need for the combination of painfully obvious by the divers suffering from hypothermia after a few dives. The divers tried everything from greased long johns remains Costumes Air Force survival, and the Bradner wet suit. Bradner was the first to use a material similar to the single-cell type, he worked at the Radiation Laboratory in his suit. The material comes from a company called Rubatex and called Neoprene and the original model of the high tech of today, was born at three levels suit. 

Read More - Scuba Wet Suits


            With the increasing popularity of the sport, there were numerous dive centers and certification programs in recent years. In the U.S. alone there are nearly 2000 professional diving centers. The first thing you should do before a program is to test the various centers and find out who of them be the most appropriate for you.

PADI Certification
Open Water Diver Certification:

You must be at least 15 years to receive the Open Water Diver certification. Certifications of the more open water, you can immerse yourself without the presence of the teacher (if the charter does not permit required). There are also Junior Open Water Diver for people 10 to 15 before your certification, it is almost every center that you are in good physical condition recommended. Some even require that you obtain a medical certificate before enrolling in a certification program. You must also know how to swim if you are not necessarily good. However, you should be able to swim 200 meters each shot and be able to swim or walk on water for about 10 minutes.

Diving Centers for certification:

There are many diving centers around which you can teach the basics techniques and skills of diving, but not all of them are absolutely reliable. Try doing a little research before you enroll in a program. See also an agency that provides internationally recognized certification card if you travel a lot.

Some of the organizations diving's most popular and largest certification diving PADI, NAUI, YMCA, Scuba Schools International, and PDIC. These organizations provide some of the best courses and diving instructors are available. But the training method, duration, etc. Teaching can not be equal to all of them. For example, NAUI are often more technical in the classroom than other programs, but can not say better or worse than others. Thus the result of the training and education will ultimately depend on your effort and individual trainers.
Bubble Makers midshipmen, and said, are some popular agencies specializing in the provision of Junior Open Water Diver certification for people 10 to 15

The duration of a diving certification usually depends on you and your schedule. Basically, it takes about two to three months for full certification, which would cost between $ 175.00 and $ 250.00 and can be accessories such as books, tables and equipment rental, etc. (you must purchase or rent your equipment Diving own) for a party. A certification course includes instruction in general, examinations, practical skills sessions and four open water dives 56. The working class can once a week with weekends more intensive, which will include the reading progressed, while the open water dives usually last two days.
The Scuba Diver allows you to base, 60 to 100 meters below the surface dive, while allowing an advanced diving certification allows you to make deep dives of about 130 meters. Advanced dive certification is more focused on safety, physics, navigation, night diving, diving physiology and dive tables.
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Diving Dry Suit

            Diving dry suits are for diving in cold water settings and they come in a kind of style: full length arms and legs. The only difference between different brands of dry suits on the market are used in materials to the combination and placement of the slide to create.
            Dry suits keep the heat around the diver with a layer of warm air trapped in the clothing worn under the dry suit. As the diver Descends in water, the air is compressed in the costume, but the pressure may be offset by the use of a low-pressure hose to the air supply for divers.
As the diver ascends, the air was added to the mix are now broken down by the use of a deflation valve.
            The material used to make dry suits can either neoprene, crushed neoprene or some other type of lightweight fabric that is reinforced with a waterproof material such as vulcanized rubber.
Diving dry suits are the only way to go if you are in cold water (50 degrees or less).
  Their disadvantages are:

       * You are a maintenance problem
       * They are more cumbersome
       * Dry diving suits are expensive
       * There is a learning process for them
Read More - Diving Dry Suit
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